Saturday Mass @ 6:00pm
Liam O’ Brien, Farranagark – 1st Anniversary & his sons
John & Hughie
Bridie Kelmo, Brussels
Tom Cotter, Abbey Street
Celia Halley, Woodview
Sunday Mass @ 9:00am
World Day of prayer for the sick
Sunday Mass @ 11:00am
Grainne O’ Donnell, Clonmore
Mairead Cantwell, Barnora
Mass for the Coming Week
Monday 12th February Mass @ 10:30am
Liturgy of the Word with a distribution of Holy Communion
followed by a period of Adoration
Tuesday 13th February Mass @ 10:30am
Fr. Noel Lynch, Co. Kilkenny
Wednesday 14th February Ash Wednesday Mass @ 10:30am
Patrick & Margaret Ryan, Templederry
Wednesday 14th February Ash Wednesday Mass @ 7:00pm
Donor’s Intention – birthday
Thursday 15th February Mass @ 10:30am
John & William Stokes, Aspley House, Pearse Street
Friday 16th February@ 10:30am
Willie Crimmins, Kilcommon
Recently Deceased
Laurence (Lar) O’ Dwyer, Knockagh
Breda Dohney nee Buckley, Barnora
Jerome Burke, Coral Springs, Florida
Month’s Mind
Anniversary List
Breda Tarrant, Cottage
Dave Walsh, Galtee Cottage
Ciaran Burke, Beechpark
Jimmy Costigan, Barrack Street
Paddy Hoare, Ballydrehid
Mark Darcy, Woodview
Celia Hally, Woodview
Listen on Radio (106.2FM)
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