Anniversaries for the weekend 12th & 13th August

Anniversaries for the weekend 12th & 13th August

Saturday @ 6:00pm

Graveyard Mass – All who are interred in St. Mary’s Graveyard.

John & Mary O’ Regan, Old Church Street.

Sunday @ 9:00am

Mass for the people of the Parish.

Sunday @ 11:00am

Biddy & Francis Carroll & their sons

Michael John & Luke, Bengurragh Square.

Bernie O’ Meara, Newtownadam.

Mass for the Coming Week

Monday 14th August @ 10:30am

James & Mary Cullen & their daughter Joan O’ Brien.

Tuesday 15th August @ 10:30am

Wednesday 16th August @ 10:30am

Thursday 17th August @ 10:30am

Friday 18th August @ 10:30am

Recently Deceased

Month’s Mind

Anniversary List

Stephen Quinlan, Clonmore.

Joe O’ Brien, Ballingeary.

Bernard Burke, Watergrasshill, Cork.

Stan Kadlecik, Abbey Street & Slovakia.

John & Biddy Guidera, Outrath.

Bridget Costigan, Castlecoyne.

Siobhan Kehir, Morthlestown.

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