Anniversaries for the weekend 15th 16th July

Anniversaries for the weekend 15th 16th July

Saturday @ 6:00pm

Richard Downey, Outrath – 1st Anniversary.

Paul Cunningham, Bengurragh Square.

Nancy Simpson, Sycamore Lodge, Upper Cahir Abbey.

Sunday @ 9:00am

Maire McGrath, 50 Woodview.

Sunday @ 11:00am

Mass for the People of the Parish.

Mass for the Coming Week

Monday 17th July @ 10:30am

Tuesday 18th July @ 10:30am

Joe Harrington, England – 1st Anniversary.

Wednesday 19th July @ 10:30am

Thursday 20th July @ 10:30am

Friday 21st July @ 10:30am

Recently Deceased

Billy (William) Coffey, Beechpark & Abbey Street.

Anniversary List

Helen Fitzgerald, 1 Park Cottages, Kilcommon.

Michael Lonergan, Whitelands.

Bill Barrett, Dublin.

Joe Harrington, England – 1st Anniversary.

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