Saturday @ 7:00pm
Kay Murphy, Upper Abbey Street.
David & Ellen O’ Keeffe, Cahir Abbey.
Tommy & Joan Cunningham, Lisava Tce & their Son Francis.
Sunday @ 9:00am
Ned Kerins, Wicklow.
Sunday @ 11:00am
Pat Corbett & Joanne Dehenny – Corbett, Lisakyle.
James Kelly, Ballingeary.
Mass for the Coming Week
Monday 17th October @ 10:30am
Annie Griffith, Hogan Square.
Tuesday 18th October @ 10:30am
Patricia Gavin, Clonmel Road.
Wednesday 19th October @ 10:30am
Beatrice Pembrooke Walsh, Carlow – Recently Deceased.
Thursday 20th October @ 10:30am
Friday 21st October @ 10:30am
Rani Abraham
Recently Deceased
Anniversary List
Con Hanrahan, Ballylooby – 1st Anniversary.
John & Ellen O’ Gorman, Loughona.
Gerard & Bridget O’ Gorman, Suttonrath.
Joe & Mary Roche, Cahir Abbey & their daughter
Theresa Roche.
Ellen Mary McGrath, Barrack Street.
Jack & Mary Looby, New Inn.
Listen on Radio (106.2FM)
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