Anniversaries for the weekend 1st & 2nd February   

Anniversaries for the weekend 1st & 2nd February   

Saturday Mass @ 6:00pm

T.J. Keating, Mountain View Drive & his daughter Audrey Keating Joyce, Hillview Crescent

Celia Halley, Woodview

Liam O’ Brien & his son John, Farrannagark

Monica Duggan, Townspark

Sunday Mass @ 9:00am

Nora Molan, Ballingeary

Sunday Mass @ 11:00am

Billy Duggan, Avondale Court

James Hyland, Ballingeary

Caroline Lafford, College Court – 1st Anniversary

Christopher O’ Loughnane, Market Street – 1st Anniversary

Nancy Long, Kedrah

Brenda & David Kerins, Cashel Road & their son Michael Bridget & Andrew Conway, Suttonrath

Winifred & Bridget Meehan, Woodview

Mass for the Coming Week

Monday 3rd February – Mass @ 10:30am

Fr. Noel Lynch, Kilkenny

Tuesday 4th February Mass @ 10:30am

Joan & Noel Potter, Mitchelstown Road

Wednesday 5th February Mass @ 10:30am

Lar O’ Dwyer, Knockagh – 1st Anniversary

Thursday 6th February Mass @ 10:30am

Friday 7th February Mass @ 10:30am

Deceased members of Cahir Park Golf Club

(Followed by Eucharist Adoration till 12noon)

Recently Deceased

Ann Stokes (née Heffernan), Aspley House, Pearse Street

Noel Coward, London, England

Anniversary List

Breda Tarrant, Cottage

Patrick Kelly, Kilemly

David & Ellen Condon, Lisakyle

Mary O’ Donnell, Upper Cahir Abbey

Betty Mullane

John O’ Connor, Bengurragh House

Kate Phelan, Bengurragh House & Fethard

Lar O’ Dwyer, Knockagh – 1st Anniversary

Kitty & Ned O’ Halloran, Upper Abbey Street

Mary O’Connor, Woodview

John & Bridget Keating. Bengurragh

Tom Tuohy, Lisava

Richard Coffey, Mill Cottage

John O’ Meara, Slievenamona

Ronnie Beardmore, Station House

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