Anniversaries for the weekend 27th & 28th May

Anniversaries for the weekend 27th & 28th May

Saturday @ 6:00pm

Mass for the people of the parish

Sunday @ 9:00am

Jurgen Bondick.

Breda & James Murphy, Carrigeen Cottages.

Michael Ryan, Kilcommon.

Sunday @ 11:00am

Peg Crosse, Barnora.

Eddie Fitzpatrick, Pearse Street.

William Marnane, Carrigeen.

Philomena & Maurice Quinlan, Raheen.

Mass for the Coming Week

Monday 29th May @ 10:30am

Mary Duggan, Church Street & Kilmoyler.

Tuesday 30th May @ 10:30am

Mary McCormack, Dragan.

Wednesday 31st May @ 10:30am

Dolores McGrath, Townspark, Clonmel Road.

Thursday 1st June @ 10:30am

No Mass

Friday 2nd June @ 10:30am

Recently Deceased

Dodie (Nora) Gallagher (née Coffey), Raheen,

Kitty (Kathleen) Lonergan (née Maher), Ballymacadam West,

Anniversary List

Pat & Carmel Quaid, Woodview.

Patrick & Johanna Maher, Clonmore.

Sean O’ Dwyer, Kilmoyler.

William & Mary Egan, Loughloher.

John & Elizabeth O’ Leary, Wexford.

Deceased Relatives & Friends of the Egan Family.

Listen on Radio (106.2FM) / Live Stream Link to view Mass