Holy Souls – Month of November

Holy Souls – Month of November

The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas.

Baskets will on the altar for all Masses during the Month of November for your intentions.

Envelopes and inserts are at all doors, please drop back to Parish Office or into Sacristy with your list.

St. Mary’s 9 day Novena for Holy Souls.

Thursday & Friday 2nd /3rd November @ 10:30am

Saturday 4th November @ 6:00pm

Sunday 5th November @ 9:00am

Monday – Friday 6th/7th/8th/9th & 10th November @ 10:30am