Mass for the Coming Week 14/03/2022

Mass for the Coming Week 14/03/2022

Monday 14th March @ 10:30am

Patrick Keating, Killemly.

Tuesday 15th March @ 10:30am

Wednesday 16th March @ 10:30am

Patrick Gavin, Clonmel Road.

Wednesday 16th March @ 7:00pm – Vigil St. Patrick’s Day

Patrick Cullen, Bengurragh Square.

Deceased members of the Hayes Family, Pearse Street.

Thursday 17th March @ 9:00am – St. Patrick’s Day

Mary Kelly, Bridge Street – Month’s Mind.

Thursday 17th March @ 11:00am – St. Patrick’s Day

Friday 18th March @ 12:00noon – Bank Holiday

Remembrance Mass for those who have died during the Covid Pandemic and their Families