New Envelopes Ready For Collection 2022 – 2023

New Envelopes Ready For Collection 2022 – 2023

New Offertory and Renovation collection envelopes have been given out at Masses over the last two weekends, if you have not collected your boxes yet, they can be collected from the Parish Office.
What the envelopes are used for:

The White envelopes are used to pay the daily costs of running the parish (for example, wages, electricity, heating, stationery, sacristy supplies etc.). The money in the blue envelopes is ring fenced to pay for special projects in the parish.

A new heating system – been installed at present
Graveyard extension – is slowly moving forward – lots of rules & regulations to get through first, but hopefully soon we will finally see some movement on this.
Repairs to the Railings in the Day Care Car Park.

Envelopes are a great way of giving. You decide what goes into which envelope. This means you choose what your money will be used for.

If you are a tax payer and you donate in the envelopes, the government also donates to the parish every time you give by giving back to the parish any tax paid on what you have given.
With envelopes, you help the parish twice – and at no extra cost to yourself.

If you have not had envelopes before, think about having them now. Just call into the parish office and pick up a box.

This year we received over €17,000 from Revenue Charity Scheme for the this years returns and the last three years.

“God loves a cheerful giver” and, “As the Lord Jesus himself said, “It is better to give than to receive!”

(Acts 20:35).

Happy giving and thank you for your contribution!