Parish Faith Rep Recruitment 2025

Parish Faith Rep Recruitment 2025

Nodlaig Lillis, our Youth & Young Adult ministry Officer in the Diocese, will be speaking at the parish Masses this weekend to give an update on youth ministry in the diocese and encourage the role of Faith Reps.

Parish Faith Reps are volunteers at Parish level who feel called to walk with young people on their journey of faith in some way, trained and supported by the diocese for an initial commitment of two years which can be extended.

They are people who see the need to encourage and mentor young people in their faith and are willing to do what they can, with the time and the gifts they have available to them.

Also they are part of the Diocesan Team for Youth and Young Adult Ministry at ground level, and where possible, lend a hand with diocesan level projects if they are free to do so.

The role of a Parish Faith Rep varies greatly from parish to parish, rather than there being one prescriptive model for all parishes.  Each parish has different needs, resources and abilities.  

Our hope is that Parish Faith Reps would work together collaboratively across parish boundaries where possible, meeting the needs of young people in their area.